What fear have you conquered?

Bloganuary day 15 – one of my biggest fears was moving home to Northern Ireland from Sydney, Australia. It is extremely scary leaving a good life in a country you love, with a good job and lots of friends. I conquered my fear by reminding myself why I moved home in the first place, for family. Furthermore, there are lots of positives to living in Northern Ireland, one of them being the ability to travel locally and travel more of Europe. Also, it doesn’t have to be definitive that I live at home. If I want to return to Australia, I can do so and for this I am very grateful.

Has anyone else had this fear with moving to our from another country?

Wayne ✌🏽

6 thoughts on “What fear have you conquered?

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  1. I experienced similar feelings when we decided to move from Dublin to Sligo and started everything from the scratch. Five years on, despite many challenges, it turned out to be one of the best decisions we’ve made 🤞

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